How to Play Poker on Play88 Live Casino

Poker has been around for what seems like forever, delighting players of all stripes — be they online casino pros or beginners just starting out. Alongside baccarat, blackjack and sic bo, there is an argument to be made that poker is a cornerstone of any casino’s offerings online and at land-based venues.  

Of course, poker is far more complex than a card game of chance; it requires skill, luck and cunning strategy to get ahead. Like many of the games we’ve mentioned above, poker has also evolved over time — you can now find variations such as Texas Hold’em, Omaha Poker, and Stud Poker online.   

In this article, we’ll go back to basics. If you want live casino tips or the best poker tips online, you’ve definitely come to the right place. Read on to learn how to be a master poker player!  

What You’ll Need

Ready to become a poker master? Grab your pack of cards (that’s all you’ll need!) and you’ll be ready for some online casino bliss!  

The standard 52-card pack is the go-to choice, although, in certain variations of poker, the joker card could make an appearance.  

The rankings of cards are vital when it comes to poker, so here they are in descending order: 

Ace (A), King (K), Queen (Q), Jack (J), 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Ace (A) 

You’ll notice that the ace appears twice as it can function as both a high- or low-value card. Oh, and don’t forget about the four suits (spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs) which are all equal in ranking.

Playing Poker is All About The Hand

You can’t bluff your way to online casino success if you don’t understand the power of a good hand. Before you sit down at the virtual table, make sure you know all about poker hands — including the combinations that will help you rake in the chips!  

The best poker tip we could give you is to start with understanding how each hand is valued. In the most common variation of the game, poker hands typically consist of five cards. 

And when it comes to online casino or live casino poker, almost nothing beats the straight flush. This devastatingly powerful card combination features five cards of the same suit in a sequence — just think 6 clubs, 7 clubs, 8 clubs, 9 clubs and 10 clubs, or 2 hearts, 3 hearts, 4 hearts, 5 hearts, and 6 hearts. If you can pull off this incredible feat (excluding the royal flush), you’ve got yourself an unbeatable hand! 

Speaking of the royal flush, this hand is indeed the cream of the crop in basic poker. Every poker player dreams of having a royal flush in their hand — five cards in sequential order and all the same suit (10, J, Q, K, A). But it’s no easy feat with odds of only 1 in 650,000 deals! 

Next up on our list of best poker tips is four-of-a-kind. This involves filling your hand with four cards of the exact same rank. For instance, four Ks that are all from different suits or four different 10s in a single game. The fifth card doesn’t even matter here as long as the four match. Now, in a tie, whichever hand has the highest-ranked cards wins. 

The third best hand is a full house which is a three-of-a-kind coupled with a pair. Think three Qs and two As, or three aces and two 5s. In case of a tie, the player with the higher-ranking three-of-a-kind will take home the pot. 

Fourth on our list is the flush which is five cards all from the same suit but not necessarily in sequence (i.e., K, J, 9, 2, A of hearts). If more than one person has this combination, then it comes down to which player has the highest-ranked card of that suit.

Two pairs is another great poker hand to aim for. As its name suggests, two pairs consist of two separate sets of cards with the same value but different ranks (for example, two 6s and two 4s). The remaining fifth card can be anything else. When more than one person has this combination, whoever’s got the highest-ranking pair wins.

Finally, if nobody else has any other combinations in their hand then you’re left with just a high card. A single card that’s higher than everyone else’s on the table win. If there is another tie even after using the highest-ranking single card then it goes down to the second-highest valued card, and then the third-highest, and so on. 

In some online poker variations, you may even have the potential of getting a five-of-a-kind: four cards that are equal in rank plus a wild (joker) card. This is one of the rarest hands in all of poker, so you’d best keep your eyes peeled if you see any jokers! 

How To Play Poker

Are you ready for some online casino poker fun? Well, get your chips ready, because it’s time to learn all about how a basic round in poker goes. After every player has been dealt their cards, the round begins with each person having four potential actions they may choose from:  

  • Raise: If a player thinks their hand is already good enough or if they want to bluff other players into believing they have a strong hand, they can raise the stakes. Every other player at the table must either match this bet or fold.  
  • Fold: Folding means that a player will lose whatever bets were placed during this round but prevents them from losing even more money in subsequent rounds.  
  • Call: If someone raises the stakes, each player must decide if they want to match this bet – calling it.  
  • Check: If no one has raised the stakes, a player may choose to stand or pass on their chance to place a bet by checking.  

The round ends when only one person is left with the strongest hand and then another round can begin. This is how most poker games work and all variations of poker will follow a similar order of hands where the strongest will always triumph over weaker ones.  

So take these tips into account next time you’re playing online casino live poker and make sure you come out on top! Best of luck! 

Play88 Poker Tips

Now that you know the basics of how to play poker, here are some tips to help you improve your game. 

  1. Always start strong. You can’t win a game of poker without a good hand, so don’t be afraid to fold if your hand is weak.
  2. Pay attention to your opponents. Observe their moves and try to determine whether they are bluffing or have a strong hand. 
  3. Manage your bankroll wisely. Don’t bet too much too soon, or you may find yourself out of the game early on. Start with smaller bets and gradually increase as you get more comfortable with the game. 
  4. Practice, practice, practice. Play as many games as you can, both online and in-person, to improve your skills and learn new strategies. 


Poker is a game of skill, luck, and strategy, and it’s a popular choice among live casino players in Malaysia and Singapore. With a good understanding of the rules and some basic strategies, you can improve your chances of winning and have fun while doing it. So, grab your deck of cards and start practising today! 

If you need somewhere to put into practice what you’ve learnt from us today, then you should check out Play88 — a leading online and live casino platform with plenty of perks for you to get started. Sign up today and you’ll also get to claim our famous Welcome Bonus. Register now!